If you are looking to save some money, this could very well be the best option for you. In order for us to be able to control peak loads, which equates to savings on our overall power bill, we offer an option to customers to let us interrupt their irrigation service. Because you are aiding in helping us reduce overall costs, we pass the savings on to you.
Energy is priced per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and the monthly energy and delivery charges you are billed each month is based on the total amount of energy used as recorded by your electric meter.
Fixed Charge: All irrigators on this rate will pay a fixed charge based upon the highest recorded demand (kW) reading from the previous irrigation season. The fixed charge is then billed with approximately 60% reflecting on the bill you receive on or after May 1st, then the remaining approximately 40% on the bill you receive on or after August 1st.
You must notify us by April 15 of your intent to take service under either of our two interruptible irrigation service options.
Two Day Interruptible -- You must agree to let us potentially interrupt your irrigation service for a maximum of two days per week:
Anytime Interruptible -- You must agree to let us potentially interrupt your irrigation service any day of the week.
Interruptible Hours -- During irrigation season*, your service may be interrupted for a period not to exceed five (5) hours per day on your pre-assigned interruptible days. Your irrigation service will not be interrupted from 10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Central Daylight Savings Time) during irrigation season, or all day Independence Day and Labor Day, except during an “emergency situation.” (An “emergency situation” is one in which we have a reasonable expectation that certain events and circumstances will have an adverse impact on our ability to provide and maintain service to customers.) Click to view irrigation status control.
* Irrigation Season is June 1 - September 30.
Sometimes, additional or unexpected costs occur as part of delivering electricity to you. These add-ons are called "riders," and they vary, based up on how you buy or use energy.
Several lighting rate schedules are available ranging from businesses and unincorporated communities in the form of alley lighting, parking lots, churches, etc.
Learn about NPPD's other miscellaneous rate plans.
Several lighting rate schedules are available ranging from municipalities and unincorporated communities in the form of alley lighting, parking lots, schools and churches, etc.
Learn about NPPD's other miscellaneous rate plans.
Sometimes, additional or unexpected costs occur as part of delivering electricity to you. These add-ons are called "riders," and they vary, based up on how you buy or use energy.
Several lighting rate schedules are available ranging from alley lighting, parking lots, schools, streetlighting, etc.
Learn about NPPD's other miscellaneous rate plans. These include pole attachment and municipal pumping.
If you have questions about these rate plans, call 1-877-ASK-NPPD.