Understanding Your Bill

Not sure how to read your monthly statement? Grab your bill and follow along as we explain each section.

  1. Account Details

    Find important details about your account such as the print date of the bill, your account number and service address.

  2. Monthly Summary

    In this section, you will find a summary of activity on your account from the last billing statement through the date your current bill was printed.

  3. Messages

    We will notify you of important messages, reminders, and announcements.

  4. Payment Stub

    See here for convenient payment options (residential bills only). When mailing your check or money order payment in, please tear the stub off and include with the payment. If you have enrolled to have your payment draft out of your checking or savings account each month, there will be verbiage stating, "Do not send payment. Amount will be collected from your bank."

  5. More Information on Reverse Side

    All bills have information on the back side, and some even have additional pages. Don't forget to flip it over to discover information about your electric consumption.

  6. Contact Us

    Contact us at 1-877-ASK-NPPD (275-6773).

  7. Metered Service Detail

    Here you will find your meter number,  number of days in the current billing period, dates of the former and current reading dates along with the readings, and the usage in kilowatt hours (non-residential bills may show more usage information).

  8. Energy Usage Charts

    (Residential Bills Only)
    See monthly energy usage for the past year and daily usage comparisons for the current and previous billing periods here.

  9. Billing Detail

    See how the total of the bill from the front page is broken down by Customer Charge, Energy and Delivery Charges, Lease Payment and Gross Revenue Tax (if applicable), State Sales Tax (if applicable), and City Sales Tax (if applicable). If you are enrolled in NPPD’s Community Solar programs, you will see a line item for that here as well.

  10. Budget Re-Cap & Budget Amount

    If you have been at your residential location for at least one year, you may be eligible to enroll in our Budget Payment Plan. Each bill, except for the yearly settle-up bill, shows a line stating the Budget Amount to be paid each month and a box recapping where you are for the year. Our example shows an Actual Cost of $175.92 with a Current Monthly Variance of $40.92. This means the current bill was more than what the customer pays on his or her Budget Payment Plan each month. The Variance to Date shows a balance of$196.63, which is the amount still owed after the bill is paid. Should the variance be a credit, the amount will be shown with “CR” behind it.

  11. Let Us Know About Changes

    Located on the back of the payment stub, if there are changes to your mailing address, phone number, or email, simply check the box on the front of the stub and write your changes in the space furnished on the back.

  12. Non-Metered Service Detail

    If you rent a security light, pole, or span of wire from NPPD, you will see those charges broken down here by the total cost, cost per unit, and number of days in the billing period. Directly below, you will see line items for Lease Payment, Gross Revenue Tax (if applicable), State Sales Tax (if applicable), and City Sales Tax (if applicable).

  13. Other Products & Services Detail

    See your monthly contribution amount to Pennies for Power, NPPD’s energy assistance fund, here. Additionally, any deposit charges, fees for late payments, or returned payment items will be found here.

  14. Current Month's Charges

    This amount will reflect the total of your Metered Service Detail (or Budget Payment Plan amount), Non-Metered Service Detail, and Other Products & Services Detail sections. It will be the same as the Current Month’s Charge line item reflected in the Monthly Summary section on the front page of your bill.

Residential bill example of page 1Residential bill example of page 2Residential bill example of page 3