Customer Service Fees

Connect Charge

  • $15 (non-refundable)
    applicable to new account, move, or transfer
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.

Late Payment

  • $15 or 3% (whichever is greater) applicable when payment is received after due date
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.

Collection Fee

  • $90 if we come to disconnect and bill is paid on premises
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.

Reconnect Service after Non-Payment of Bill

  • $40 
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.


  • Residential Customers – A $225 deposit is required for residential service unless you meet one of the following conditions:
  • You are a current customer with a satisfactory payment record of at least 12 months.
  • You supply us with a current, written credit reference letter from any U.S. utility indicating a satisfactory payment history. Credit reference letters must appear on the utility’s letterhead, or the utility must fill out our credit history request form and include service provided for the past 12 months.
  • You are the new owner of the residence in which you are requesting service and currently hold a satisfactory credit status.
  • Non-Residential Customers – A deposit is equal to two times the highest estimated monthly bill, but not less than $225. A surety bond , irrevocable letter of credit, acceptable Dunn & Bradstreet rating and/or audited financial statement may be accepted in lieu of a deposit.
For more detailed information, see our Service Rules and Regulations.


Options for landlords when a tenant requests disconnection of service:

  • $5 - service automatically read into Landlord's name
    Notification will be received when the Landlord receives the bill for service.

  • $10 - service automatically read into Landlord's name
    Notification will be made by phone, mail or email within 48 hours of change in service.

  • $15 - NPPD will attempt to notify Landlord prior to any change within 24 hours
    Landlord will have the option to have the service read into their name and be charged the $15 fee or choose to have the service disconnected at no charge to the Landlord.
    If NPPD is unable to contact the Landlord, a letter will be sent informing of change in service.

  • $0 - NPPD will disconnect meter
    No notification to the Landlord of the change in service.
For more detailed information, see our Landlord Agreement, Landlord Notification, and Fees for Service.