
Loving and protecting where we live

We are dedicated to protecting the state's environment and natural resources while meeting our customers' energy needs. Our investment is in Nebraska. We and our families live here. We call our customers neighbors and friends. We want to ensure a good quality of life now, and for future generations.

Employee conducting water sampling on the banks of the river

Responsible Operations

All our power plants meet current environmental regulatory limits and standards for emissions. Members of our environmental team continually test and monitor air, water and soil at our facilities across the state. We pledge to comply with federal and state environmental regulations, and we embrace that responsibility.

Click to View our Energy Resources
Employee holding a rainbow trout in hands

Working Hand-in-Hand

Our state has extraordinary beauty and we want to protect its air, water, land and wildlife. It's a promise and an obligation we take seriously. The following are just a few examples of the various entities we work with to protect Nebraska's quality of life.

Children gathered around a tree helping to scoop dirt using shovels

Active Stewards

We lead the charge in many statewide stewardship events such as the "NREA Energy Camp" for high school students in Halsey; "Water Daze" in Elkhorn; and our annual Arbor Day Celebration in a selected retail community with a vegetation need. Our employee initiated recycling efforts demonstrate all resource-conscious activities are important, whether large or small.

piping plover sitting on eggs

Protecting Natural Resources

We have a deep and long-standing respect for our natural environment. We invest in the environment because we want to assure a good quality of life for Nebraskans now, and for future generations.

Learn More About How We Are Dedicated To Protecting The Environment