English (United States)

Legal Notice

The June 2024 meeting of the Board of Directors of Nebraska Public Power District will be held Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13, 2024. The June 12 proceedings will take place at NPPD’s Cooper Nuclear Station, 72676 648A Avenue, Brownville, Nebraska. The June 13 proceedings will take place at NPPD’s Sheridan Training Facility, 1110 M Street, Auburn, Nebraska.

The schedule for NPPD’s June 2024 Board meeting is as follows:


  • NPPD Board of Directors Meeting, General Counsel Report – 1:30 p.m., West Warehouse Rooms A/B


  • Budget Committee – 8:45 a.m., Room 109
  • Customer and Support Services Committee – following Budget Committee, Room 109
  • Energy Supply Committee – following Budget Committee, Room 121
  • Board Strategic Business Session – following Customer and Support Services Committee and Energy Supply Committee, Room 109
  • NPPD Board of Directors Meeting – following Board Strategic Business Session, Room 109 (approximately 10:30 a.m.)
  • Nuclear Committee of the Whole – will meet as part of the Board of Directors Meeting
  • Public Comments – 11:00 a.m.

Because these meetings are being conducted outside of NPPD’s General Office, no video stream or recording will be available.

It is possible that portions of the June 12-13, 2024, meetings will be held in Executive Session. Agendas for these meetings are kept continuously current and are available for public inspection during business hours at the office of the Assistant Secretary at the Columbus General Office, Columbus, Nebraska, or online at https://nppd.com/about-us/live-streaming.